Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Oh and

Go UTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dillier Dogfest 2008 Tour

The day after Christmas, JP and Stephani went with her family to Vegas. We have been dog-sitting Bailey and Molly. They were good puppies. Molly only ate 1 Christmas ornament! It was a duplicate of a large group of them, so no biggie. Besides, how could she resist that it was foamy and all glittery! But, she also helped clean up our yard. Apparently, we had a frozen dead rat. We live about a half block away from the river so we get some here and there in our yard.

Molly and Cambry are having fun taking turns, well…playing Dr. Dillier Dog. Yep, they are both female. Every once and a while we catch Cambry humping her dog bed. It is funny...in a disturbing way.

The girls wrestle and chase each other and get rid of their excess energy. Which Molly has quite a puppy surplus. Bailey and Ozzy seem to be okay with not having to entertain her. Bailey is still a bit protective of her though.

In general, dogs follow you wherever you go. Thus, ALL FOUR DOGS, follow you around. Like they follow you to kitchen to help clean any spills you might make or basement to make sure you do the laundry or to bed to keep you warm or my personal favorite, the bathroom. No really, it is amusing. They know they have you cornered and you have to pet them.

JP & Steph came home last night but I talked JP into leaving the pups another night. We are leaving tomorrow for San Diego for a long weekend. So now, it is their turn for the final night of the Dogfest 2008 Tour.

Monday, December 29, 2008

‘Tis The Season – A Quick/Boring Recap

I scored a SECOND napkin with Parnell’s signature stating that I could have the company holiday party wherever I want! Yep, I have not officially worked for NACVA since mid 2006 but we have a lifetime invite to the holiday party from Parnell. The first napkin says I get anything I want from Parnell.
I got a sore throat the day after the NACVA holiday party.
My girlfriend Lezlie “hired” me to take portraits of her nieces and nephews as a Christmas gift to her sister and husband. If you are one of my contacts on FlickR, you can see them. (You can join for free and add me as a contact). I did all right. For some reason when asked to do it or making a conscience effort, I seem to freeze up. I do much better when I just take more relaxed or not staged. I think I am having some sort of Kiddie Kandids crisis, reminding me how much of the life was sucked out of my creativity working there.
I had a really bad day last week; I just cried all day and was feeling inadequate, blah, blah, and blah. A slight nervous breakdown I guess.
I have been busy doing, well, I cannot tell you exactly but I feel like I have been really busy. I think I have been mainly shoveling snow.
It was Grandma’s 94th birthday. I stopped by to visit her, I do not enough these days. She is so cute.
Pam’s birthday was Christmas Eve. I have always felt bad that her birthday falls then. It turns out she has been making out like a bandit (according to her).
For Joe’s office potluck Xmas Eve and our Christmas lunch, I made my Aunt Susi W’s recipe of turkey rolls. They were yummy but time consuming. Joe and JP brought home some duck and geese from their Idaho hunting trip. For Christmas, I cooked the duck and a goose. I overcooked the goose and I think I did well with the duck breasts. I was told they were good but I did not taste them. I hate duck (it tastes like liver, barf). I made an apple sausage stuffing and gravy for the goose. I was going to try the goose and stuffing but cooking the whole bird kind of creeped me out, it was an anatomy class flashback. I could not eat meat for about 6 months after my first class.
Alex came to me twice pleading his case. The first was for some juice and second to “can I open just one more little present”, those were his exact words. I wish I could have videoed it. He had the hand motions and those baby blues that get me to do almost anything (I think it is handed down from each Dillier generation). But the poor guy had nothing more. Next year I will wrap each thing individually as little as it might be. I should have this year. I forget how fun it is to open EVERYTHING. That is a problem with my lazy gift bag or basket thing.
JP got my name for the drawing and got me some good stuff on my list but my fav was the University of Utah sweatshirt. This came in handy to wear to my Uncle Paul’s 70th birthday party yesterday. He is a BYU fan.
Uncle Paul is working on reprinting the Wakefield family history book. When he asked me about 20 years ago if I wanted a copy, I scoffed at the price tag as well as the idea. It is to cover the printing and binding costs. I would think that if you looked at the copy costs it well than covers it. I am going to get a copy. (Hey Steph, random thought of the day – why do you all of the sudden start caring about your heritage when you get old? Why not when you are 20?)
Lastly, on this recap of the last week or so, I have insomnia, yeah! Not. This has plagued me a bit here and there since the good old hysterectomy. Nevertheless, the weird hot flashes are waking me up. The bottoms of my feet feel like I am standing on hot summer asphalt. My hands sometimes feel that way too. Like RIGHT now, and it is just after 4 am! My face is on fire too. I have had some hot face action happening and I chalked it up to the cold weather.
Well, it is time to try to go back to bed!

PS oh, I guess that wasn't quick now I look back at 10 am after a couple hours of sleep.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Rule

I was running errands in Joe’s truck today. One of my stops was at Ikea. As I entered the parking lot, JP called me. I picked up, driving to find a spot. I went all the way over to the last couple of lanes that were not full. No traffic, no one around. I pulled from one spot all the way through. I did not like my angle so I eased out. I was facing right, (not looking left) I turned right. The Mazda came from the left. She gets a new rear passenger door and we get a dented bumper.

The new rule is no more picking up my phone in the car. I kept thinking it was okay since I was in a parking lot. Nope, duh. There are so many things that go wrong in a car without cell phones. What if she had a child in that side of the car? I am just lucky that it was this minor and the woman is okay and so am I.

I went into Joe’s office to tell him at the end of the day. His processors begged me not to tell him until they were gone. I told him while one of his guys was in his office and hid behind him. Just the reaction I expected just less yelling. Thanks Pete!

Since getting a cell phone, it is second nature for me to just pick it up to either receive a call or dial someone. There is no need to answer while driving now. It is going to be difficult but I have to do it as a conscience effort. Does anyone else want to join me in not using their phone in the car?

P.S. It is like smoking, you know it is dumb, you know you shouldn't be doing it. If I can quit smoking, I can quit using my cell phone in the car unless parked.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Day

I just spent the last 45 minutes shoveling the 4 inches of snow the driveway so I could get out and do what I need to today. I was so excited because I was there when the snow plow went past. If that wet snow freezes you can never get rid of it. I shoveled it out of the apron of the driveway. I was so proud of myself.
The last 5 minutes it started snowing again but it was this weird dry cottage cheese snow. It has already snowed an inch at least. It is coming down hard and fast. I think it will be a while before I go anywhere now. Crap, I have so much to do at our rentals. I guess I will make some soup and start doing some chores at home!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fast-Long Weekend

Joe and I met all of the kids in St. George this last weekend. Well, except Mike (Heidi’s), Stephani (JP) and their dogs. Yep, eight adults, three children and THREE large dogs in 1-TWO bedroom condo. Needless to say, we had a full house of chaos. AND we all got along and had fun!

Nate, Jen and Lily drove up from Arizona and met us Wednesday night. Thanksgiving I made dinner. John, Jamie, the boys, and Fancy arrived with perfect timing for dinner.

Friday while the rest went golfing, Jen, Lily, Jamie and the boys went with me to the Dinosaur Track Museum. The actives were eating, entertaining the little ones (coloring, play-doh, walks), eating, watching movies, eating, a walk here and there, cooking, eating, laundry, cleaning, guys golfing, girls Target shopping, eating. Did I mention we got some eating done? We love that In and Out is there now but it still takes about a half hour to get your burger.

Friday night Heidi and JP joined us. Then Saturday John’s little family made the journey back.

I made everyone write on a “turkey” feather what they are thankful for. Here it is, think I will make this a tradition.

On the drive home last night, JP drove Heidi’s car and I drove the truck. We left a few minutes behind JP & Heidi but we got ahead of them because of their stops. Then they leapfrogged us in Nephi because we had a pit stop. Joe egged me on to catch up with them and I Danica Patrick(ed) my way to pass them finally at the point of the mountain. Joe kept calling Heidi and getting updates of where they were and saying, “My Super Mario driver is better than your Super Mario driver. I sped a lot but it kept me awake and we all made it home alive with no problems.

We are a bit sleep deprived but that is what the workweek is for right?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Farm and Thanksgiving

I wrote this originally in 1992 but I want to share some of my family memories of Thanksgiving. My grandparents owned property in Holladay, aka the Farm. We would go there for many holidays but always for Thanksgiving. My sister and I lived in the front house for a few years until I moved with Joe and Pam bought a house. The Farm property was sold recently and our family still misses it.

There was a lot of family history there. We had: tea parties, craft projects, Thanksgivings, Easter egg hunts, cooling in the yard on summer days and so much more. My Grandma would make these huge rolls that were so delicious. I wish we had asked her sooner how to make them. I tried a couple years ago and she could not quite remember the recipe since she had not made them for so long. She will be 94 next month and still darling. We all miss Popa, he had a gentle but genuine laugh. I cannot believe all of the work they would do for these gatherings.

I even cooked my first turkey there for one of our Thanksgiving dinners. I also remember they always bought the biggest turkeys. I think they were at least 20 pounders! Grandma gave me the heavy brown dishes we used there and I treasure them. I dream, as the grandkids get older they can have fond memories like me. I hope I am going to be a fun grandma like my grandma.

The Farm

The Farm, where some of my best family memories are found. I have not walked to the creek to throw rocks for several years now. Myrtle vines envelope the path to the creek that was once perfectly trimmed. When pale blue flowers bloom on the myrtle, I can be caught picking one and sucking the sweet syrup just as I always done.

Secluded by a small forest of trees, set back from the busy road, this property was surrounded by rural country, just a few years ago. Located so far out of town, my grandparents named it “The Farm”. With two houses on the large property, a figure eight shaped driveway circles the front house and pushes the back house closer to the creek. Ma-Betty (Grandma) and Popa (Grandpa) would retreat to “the Farm”, their haven.

I also remember summer days sitting in the cool yard of the back house with Ma-Betty and Popa. Reclined in butterfly chair they would talk about how quiet it was. Ma-Betty mentioned many times that she would like to move to the back house.

Thanksgiving Popa and Ma-Betty would bring the turkey (or the dead bird as they named it) out to the farm the night before. Sometimes my sister Pam and I spent the night on the bunk beds. Being the youngest, I had to sleep on the top bunk, but I always felt secure from rolling off because of the rough green wooden 2 by 2 pole across the side of the bed.

East of “the Farm”, where there is now a restaurant and a parking lot was once a field of tall grass. Before helping with the banquet, Pam and I would love to play in that field. We would gallop on our hands and knees neighing and bucking like wild horses.
On the morning of Thanksgiving, around 3 or 4 in the morning Ma-Betty would be up throwing the dead bird in the oven. By two o’clock, it was time to help Ma-Betty set the feast out. We never had to worry about not having enough food for everyone, there was always plenty. I would stand by the oven door as Ma-Betty opened it, the heat would wave into my face with an inviting aroma. The turkey was glazed to a perfect brown, wading in its own gravy. Popa started the buzzing electric knife to trim and I could never resist stealing a steaming piece. He would chuckle and then his hand with the knife would make a playful swat.

There were so many side dishes to go with the turkey, you could not fit them all on your plate. I would always bury the soft white meat with a large heap of potatoes and smother it all in gravy. On the side, I liked green peas creamed but always slightly lumpy, (just perfect in my opinion). I would never take any stuffing. Grandma would make it so sticky that only an adult could enjoy it.

If I was unfortunate enough to have someone to prepare my plate, it would be piled with squishy overcooked zucchini, awful orange colored yams and other dishes I did not care for. If I was too slow to finish my helping, I would be threatened to finish the entire pan. Of course, I could always look forward to the creamy, sweet eggnog, which satisfied my already gorged stomach.

After dinner we would settle back and cover the round wood and glass coffee table with shoeboxes full of old photographs. We would chat and giggle about the photographs for hours. There were snapshots of several trips I remember like the one of Pam and me running on a beach in Hawaii. Or the many pictures of our cabins at Bear Lake, the all time family favorite is of Popa wearing nothing but his “Pork-n-Beans” swim trunks and a pair of cowboy boots.

Today I live in the front house with my sister Pam. I walk the dog back around to the mouth of the path leading to the creek. But I always seem to stop because the myrtle vine growing wildly. We do not act like horses anymore, but most of the shoeboxes of memories are still there and always will be.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Things I Don't Notice

Joe just informed me it was time for me to make his salad for him. Yep it is about 10 pm. He eats late. All the guy eats is a salad for dinner. It used to be more elaborate but he really doesn't care (or notice). All he wants is lettuce and cheese. I chop up Romaine and throw grated cheese on top. He wouldn't care if I bought it in a bag or use a fresh head of lettuce. He has to have it with Italian dressing. I make it with the Good Seasons Italian dressing mix and Balsamic vinegar.
In the morning he just needs Lipton Diet Ice Tea, raspberry or peach.
What brings all this up is that I went shopping today and got holiday shaped pretzels and they were on the counter.

Joe - what are these
Me - pretzels, holiday ones, see the shape? Don't eat them yet.
Joe - I don't eat pretzels. If you haven't noticed that I don't ever eat them.
Me - No, I din't notice, hum.
Joe - I do eat salads though.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Go Utes and Go Creative Cottage Boutique!

If you are not going to the game, come to our holiday boutique! Get a massage and get some unique gifts for your holiday list.
The best way to get there is to go along from 9400 South - Highland Dr "until it ends", turn right on 9800 South at the flashing 3 way, turn left by the LDS church, go 1 block and turn left onto Blithfield. Saturday, November 22nd, 10 am to 7 pm, 1878 E Blithfield Circle (9885 South) in Sandy. It is it on the right side end of the circle. Call me otherwise if you can not find it.

Suckered Again

There should be a sign on our front door that says “Long Term Dog Sitting Service, Just Drop Dog and Run”. JP and Stephani had us watch Bailey for a few months before they moved into their new home. Then Heidi and Mike had us watch Doobie for about a year before they moved into their new home.
Meet Cambry, who will be spending the next 6 months with us. She spent last night with us. It took her a while, she whined for Benton. Benton is JP’s friend. Or as I have always called him “Bay-Un”, use your Utah accent and you will get it.
Ozzy is still deciding if this is okay or not.
This morning while checking emails Ozzy and her shared the couch. Look at her front paws. Yep, just like Griz. How am I going to be able to give her back in 6 months?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Holiday Boutique Saturday November 22nd

I might not have mentioned this to anyone since I did not believe I would be even close to ready for this…but on Saturday, I am going to be at a Holiday Boutique. Well, 2 days away and I am really not. Nevertheless, you know me, I have to wait until the last minute!

I will be offering seated massages 15 minutes for $17.00. I will also be selling my photos. I hopefully can get it together enough to also prepare note cards from my photos.

Please come if you are not already going to be tailgating and going to the Utah and BYU Football game. Utah is going to kick BYU’s butt so just come and get some holiday shopping done.

Some of the items available are handmade beaded jewelry, handmade blankets, handmade cards (note cards, birthday cards, etc.), scrapbook pages, paintings, handmade holiday décor, and lots of other local art. You can go to www.creationcottage.etsy.com 10 am to 7 pm, 1878 E Blithfield Cirle (9885 South).

I hope you can make it. Please send this along to anyone you know that might be interested. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

TWO Downtown Fieldtrips In 2 Days!

Yesterday, Stephani, Jamie, Max and I went to the Leonardo to see Body Worlds. I tried not to be apprehensive about seeing it purely because when in my anatomy class before, I could not eat meat for at least 6 months after. The cadaver lab was interesting and all but the smell was terrible. Even today the smell of some lotions, especially if older or cinnamon gum, especially Big Red…takes me back to class.
The exhibit captivated me. Once we got in there I was wishing I could spend a whole day in there studying everything. I learned so much. Yet as I lay in bed before falling asleep, I had more questions and desire to see more! They need a Body Worlds 4 and SOON! I really do not want to buy a video I will only watch once but I would love to see the “how they do it all” video. (PS see her blog for her funny version of events – again, I need to learn the linkybackthingie)

Today, I met my Mom and Pam at Paradise Bakery for dinner. I had never eaten there, it was good, loved the brownie! But, what made me the happiest was the bathroom. I always love auto: toilets/sink/paper towel dispensers but they had this foot pull thing to open the door…yesssssss!
From there we rode Trax down to the new library. My Mom wanted us to see an exhibit there that turned out to be not as exciting as she thought. But it was alright. I had not been inside it before tonight. So where are the card catalog drawers? Do you remember their smell? Now do not concern yourselves (especially my aunt/Grandma Sue who works at the library) that I do not read. I have just been buying or borrowing. Ever since massage school I have picked up a bit of OCD on things that people touch that I do not know….well, I have it with people I do know too! I updated my county library card to include SLC. I can borrow up to 100 items at a time now! Who does that and why?
We explored the shops and every floor. My favorite was of course the children’s floor. I loved their “Crystal Cave” and I think it is called “The Loft”. When I was little and going to that library all we had were books and chairs!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Eight Things

I was tagged by Jamie (I have no idea how to do the underline and link back to her…yes I am illiterate).

Eight TV shows I like to watch:
1. CSI
2. CSI Miami
3. Boston Legal
4. Anything on the Food Network
5. Anything on the History Channel except Gangland
6. Jay Leno
7. Craig Ferguson
8. The Simpsons

Eight restaurants where I like to go to eat:
1. Pat’s BBQ - Pat's will be on the Food Network's Diners Drives and Dives January 19th, 2009. http://www.patsbbq.com/
2. Oyster Bar
3. Boulevard
4. Lumpy’s with a drink too of course
5. The Bowery Haven at Fish Lake
6. The Rim Rock in Torrey
7. Chez Paul or The Waterfront in Maui
8. Porcupine Grill

Eight things that happened today:
1. Picked up my car at the shop
2. Went to McDonald’s drive thru to save time but ended up spending more time there than in # 3. Got a McLatte and McParfait, they were McStupid.
3. Registered my car late at the DMV drive thru
4. Showered before NOON!
5. Went to Joe’s office to do seated massages
6. (went home and then)Ozzy and I walked to the Post Office to get the mail, then Joe’s office to pickup the other car.
7. Read emails and blogs, did this little ditty
8. Finally rented and got the deposit for a house rental (after waiting for them for an hour and meeting tonight with them/talking/texting for the last 3 weeks)! I hope that this is not going to set precedence for how rent is paid.

Eight things I am looking forward to:
1. The holidays
2. Going to see Body Worlds with Jamie and Steph
3. Doing fun things with the grandkids like making cookies, crafts and going places with them like St. George, Fish Lake, museums, zoos and DISNEYLAND
4. learning how to sew besides a button or mend a sock
5. Getting organized within this next year!
6. Getting a puppy????!!!!
7. Getting busy with massage work, selling photography stuff
8. Having a cocktail after dealing with my new renters!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remember And Honor

Happy Veteran’s Day and thank you all for your service!
This is Joe’s father, aka Pa. I never had the opportunity to meet him. He passed away years before I met my husband. I do not know all of his military history but this will be one of my projects this fall. I want to get it all documented for the family.
He had an album of his military service. It has his photos, letters, plus more photos, propaganda cards from captured prisoners from Germany etc. It is packed with amazing pieces of history!
This particular photo has his caption “My First Uniform Fort Knox”.

This is my Dad. I think he served in Korea in the early 60’s. There are so many questions you want to ask someone but you don’t and when they are gone it is lost forever. Stories that I might have been bored with when I was younger I crave for them now. I am going to ask my aunts and other family for more information.

No matter how you feel about war please honor our vets. Spend 2 minutes today at 11:00 am remembering all those who gave for our freedom.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby Steps

Yep, been slackin’ a lot on the home/life organization project. After trying to put something away in the junk drawer, I did this…I thought I would take a picture to commemorate it. It has been almost 2 years since we moved in and I think that is the first time I have straightened it since then.
Now if I can do something like this once a day, that would be good. I am going to go a similar route to Jamie’s new plan of weekly goals for her PHM. I am going to pick a problem area that overwhelms me and at least straighten it/clean it out.
On this drawer I did: throw away items, put stuff in give away, put it in it’s proper place or reassign it’s new home. I have some things I still see there that I will rethink but for now, I am going to enjoy how pretty it looks.

Happy End to Furby AMBER Alert

According to the family spokesperson, “the volunteers in the community and family, the Sheriff’s office all implemented an unbelievable and extensive search in the Aves area, even spanning the downtown area and it was much appreciated.” They found that the missing Furby, Lou Dell Furburino, aka Furbs, was looking for food in a kitchen cabinet and got lost behind a pan. He was severely dehydrated from the lack of dog slobber but happy to be home. When asked how he felt now that he was home he said, “mei-mei-un-eye, I love you”. His parent Doobs and grandparents are all well.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lost Pet Please Help!

Please look closely at the flyer (click or right click to make larger). If you have any information let me know ASAP. REWARD! Please help my Granddog Doobie!

Add To “My Hate To Do So I Do It Sloppy List”

There are so many things that I think I want to do or know that it needs be done. Therefore, I attempt at it, then hate doing it, then get bored, then get pissed, then just leave it for Joe to fix. Not one of his favorite qualities about me but for some reason he still loves me. Whew!

I am going in a bit to work tonight at a convention doing seated massages and through the weekend. Let’s hope that when he comes home and sees I have started this project, then he will fix it.

I have never tried the shrink and seal window plastic. I wanted to use it for our less insulated game room. In hopes that at least sitting by the window we won't feel a cold breeze. I have used shrink-wrap for manuals and books before and I thought it was fun. This stuff is nothing like it. It is not shrinking! Maybe it is that I am not patient enough. I do not know if it would be easier if it were two people or not. I just know Ozzy is no help whatsoever. He will not even hand me the scissors!

UPDATE: Joe just came home early to watch the Utes game. He said it was okay. Whew! Oh and GO UTES!!! Remember to wear black for this game.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting Memories Or Lack Thereof

I remember when I was younger, my grandparents would go vote. Upon their return, I would question them who they voted for and they were always so quiet. I am pretty sure Grandma is a Democrat and Popa was a Republican. Pam remembers Gram say; “we canceled each other’s votes”. But they did it! They voted.
Apparently, I have a bad memory because I thought that I have been a voter since I turned 18. I cannot remember voting the first time I was eligible though. Is it because it was so long ago? I am a bit disappointed in myself. Why didn’t I? I am pretty sure MTV was all over the vote. I loved MTV (back when they played music).
I even bragged to Heidi that I have been voting since I was old enough. But what I told her was that I remember specifically voting in 1992 Clinton vs Bush. I went to a church nearby my Mom’s house. The line went around inside and out of the church. I remember specifically voting for Clinton.
But the year in question is 1988, the Bush vs Dukakis election. I was 20 by election time. Is there a way I can find out if I voted? Aren’t there records somewhere? Would I really have voted for Dukakis? Did I black out?
Are these good confessions, I do not know.
Just go vote and don’t make fun of my voting or poor memory. At least I have voted the last 5 out of 6 elections for sure!

Belated Weekend Update - I know it is long sorry

My chili was a bit of a disaster. First off it wasn’t as hot as I thought, that was okay. But I decided to try dry beans instead of canned. I thought it would be less mushy…oh they were the COMPLETE opposite indeed! My personal food critic JP told me pretty much I should keep my day job (everyone else was polite and lied, JP JUST HAS to be honest…love the little brat, no really, I do, he is JUST like his FATHER! Honest about my cooking).
I had soaked them for OVER 24 hours. I put them in the crock-pot for at least 8 hours. I knew I should simmer them after the soak, but OMG, they were cru-hu-uhNCEEEEEE! Everyone picked them out. I put in pintos in question, black beans, red kidney beans and white kidney beans or canelli beans.
Oh well, I know how to do it next time at least. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! My chili is usually (unless everyone is really just lying to me – hey, I like it) fabulous and best if I use elk meat. Yes, you people who think chili should be made with out beans, I make it with beans.
Nevertheless, it was a non-stop door knocking fest. We had a boatload or cruise ship full of trick or treaters! Joe even had a matching pimp who was maybe 7 years old if that. What parent thinks it is okay that their child is a pimp? What is next hookers?
I was an original, a witch. But I had Norma’s spider on my witch hat. It was a must to honor her. I had her lighted pumpkin and ghosts on my front porch. It was not even 1 percent of how she would decorate. Norma was my good friend’s mother who passed away this year. She was THE holiday decoration GODDESS! My Christmas decorations will be embellished with her touch!
All of the kids (except Jen, Nate and Lily in AZ) came over. We even had my all of our grand-dogs. Heidi was Sarah Palin. She told me she decided to be her because I told her she had Sarah Palin glasses. They are I swear! Mike wore a McCain mask and then loaned it to Ozzy. Doobie was a hotdog.
Heidi made Diane’s popcorn balls. I ate one the next day, and regretted not keeping them all to eat myself. Jamie made cupcakes and Steph brought the cutest pumpkin bread bowls.
Saturday, Mike’s son Andrew had a HS football playoff game in Lay’on…that is Layton for you out of staters. I consider him my future grandson since he is Mike’s (Mike is Heidi’s boyfriend) son.
It was amazing. I always watch games with complete faith until the last minute feeling in my gut that they will win. I feel they will win because I feel it.
Even if he wasn’t’ the star quarterback I would love the guy! He is so cute too, looks just like his pops. Oh, I mean good looking, guys aren’t cute. But Andrew is High School Musical cute (don’t tell him I said that he will never like me, oh and the girlfriend is too)!
I didn’t get to meet him since it was game time and well honestly the best time to meet someone is not right after a game …win or lose…well, especially if it was a loss.
I took pictures of the game. The energy was intense. I have not been on a field photographing for 20 years. This time it was different. I felt more pain watching the boys being sacked. I am an adult now and a body worker. I understand now how a simple football tackle can damage the body. The ooffs and thuds were so emotional to me. I do not know if I will be able to handle watching any of the grandkids at sports. I feel like I am going in to protection mode or as Joe likes to call it my Scrappy Doo to kick the other kid’s butts. But the pride I felt seeing him play was incredible!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Deadly Halloween Chili

Happy Halloween! I made chili last night for tonight. I listened to the “Phantom” soundtrack while making it.
I used the crock-pot liners. They rock! How many times have you tried to clean a non-submersible crock-pot!
As always, I had supervision by Ozzy. Nevertheless, he did not do a very good job because I think I might kill the family with how hot I made it. I like it very spicy. I added too much chili sauce and jalapeños for the rest of the family. I will have plenty of sour cream and cheese. I will have to buy some milk too. And I had better find something to make for Alex to eat, mac and cheese at least.
I know what you are thinking too, Dillier boys add beans…disaster. Well it will be deadly chili for that reason too. It is not my elk chili but it will do. My true food critic is JP, he will tell me if it is okay.
Then Heidi asked me to make her a little veggie chili. I tasted it and thought, what is missing, it tastes weird…oh MEAT.
Just a little small batch for her, you know a bowl or two….well it turned into another crock-pot. I used my smaller one, which is big! Yep, there will be leftovers. Chili anyone?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Voted Early

It only took 40 minutes with wait time too. Not too bad I guess.

The sticker should say I voted for a "Douche Bag or a S#it Sandwich". It is a South Park Episode reference. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. I am sure John will let you watch his copy.

In Pure Spite of Jay Leno

I have dressed up my loveable 10 year old black Labrador Ozzy. Jay Leno would be purely annoyed. But I did it for my enjoyment. To top it off, I took pictures and I made it into a Halloween card.

His papered name is Ozzy Dogbourne of Black Labbath. He IS the Prince of Darkness, I mean Dogness.

I could not help myself after I took the pictures (2 separate shoots). I realized I really wanted to use some of the same things in the metal star Ozzy pics for a pirate picture. I even printed a pirate map to put in it but I forgot to put it in the picture.

I had a blast doing it and Ozzy was so good the whole time. He was very bored though. He is the best dog ever!
See his photo shoot here http://flickr.com/photos/89746220@N00/sets/72157608494840900/

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend of Cats, Witches and Reese’s

This past weekend I went with my cousins (Carolyn, Susie, Barry, Jon, Ali, Emma & Dylan - oh and my cousin Giraffe is in the family pic too) to the Hogle Zoo on Saturday. It was “Boo at the Zoo” and was it ever a zoo to park, get in and get around!
We had fun in spite of some misadventures. Like ordering food at one of the concessions, waiting 25 minutes to find out they were out of rice for our rice bowls and it would take 30 minutes more OR 20 minutes for a corndog. We got our money back and walked around some more.
There are three people you do not want to let get too hungry: my daughter-in-law Stephani, Ali and of course, I have been known to get really ornery if I do not get to eat. (Sorry Steph and Ali, but we know it is true about ourselves)
We finally got to a concession where we just ordered fried food, so much for trying to stay healthy but it kept Ali and me from eating a zoo animal.
We saw a lot considering the bigger picture was to let the kids “Trick or Treat”. All of the kids were so good! We had a lot of fun with the cats. The leopard was lying down and when we walked up to the window it came right up and paced in front of it. It was a blast watching Emma and Katie squeal as it passed them. Barry got video of it.
We walked to the tiger, he was up on the bridge, and he walked back down to where the water window was and swam right up to us again! He then proceeded to pee (spray) right at Jon. We were grateful for the glass between us and the fact that he could have eaten us!
Barry went to go get the car that was on Sunnyside Avenue, he returned with a parking ticket. Where in the H#LL do they expect people to park for such a large event if they do not provide for it? EVERYONE parked on the street got nailed with a ticket. Both sides of the street, to above the zoo down to Foothill! Tell me again why I need to vote to renew the zoo? Perfect to do this a week and a half from Election Day.
I took a lot of pictures and yes, I know, I know, I am behind on posting to FlickR but I promise to catch up this week! (THEY ARE ON THERE NOW!)
When I got home there was a huge black cat watching me from the border of my neighbor’s house and ours. (I took a really cool picture you will have to check out on FlickR too)
As if Saturday was not eventful enough, Carolyn, Susie, Katie and I dressed up again to go to Gardner Village “Witches Night Out”. We met up with Lezlie and her granddaughter Grace. We had a blast wandering through the witches and some stores. Katie and Grace were darling and very good! I am excited to go back there with Alex, Max, Jamie and Steph tomorrow! (I will get all of the Gardner Vllg pics on FlickR soon!)
Yesterday I had some sort of black out due to Halloween candy. I had been avoiding getting the good stuff but I gave in and bought Reese’s Peanut Butter cups (my Kryptonite). I guess it is fortunate for me that it was a smaller bag. I ate all but 1 serving! The totals: 78 grams of fat, 1320 calories and hey, 6 grams of fiber! I just ate the last serving after lunch today, what the heck huh?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Once In A Lifetime Chance To Say Yes

Eleven years ago today, Joe and I went down to our little Fish Lake cabin for the weekend. It started to snow and the closer we got to the cabin the deeper it got. This was back when Joe’s truck was a Toyota T100. By the time we made it up the road to the cabin the snow was above the headlights. We were plowing or pushing through the powdery light snow.

It was nerve racking! Even with a couple of road-trip drinks in my system, the mountain by the cabin looked extra treacherous. The thought of rolling down the steep mountain and wondering how long it would take people to find us or even know we were missing!

As Joe prepped the cabin, turning on the power, propane and lighting the fire, I completely unpacked the truck and put things in their place.

Everything indoors, I took off my soaked jeans and I put on my dry red thermals. I was wearing a seafoam green sweater. I stirred the fire, wiped my hair out of my eyes. Joe finally came in. He laughed, “What is all over your face?” I ran to the mirror and wiped off the fireplace soot.

Sitting in front of the fire, Joe bent down on his knee. He said a lot of sweet and mushy stuff I wish I could remember. I do not know if that it is time that has made me forget the words or if it was that I was in such an excited state of shock then those they didn’t stick.

As I glanced at his pants pocket with a square box he brought it out in to view. A gorgeous princess cut diamond ring bigger than I could have imagined him buying for me. Now mind you, we had looked several weeks before at this stone and some others but I had no idea that he was serious. I thought we went in for a watch battery. It seemed so ridiculous at the time.

I used his cell phone back when an analog cell phone could be used in the Fish Lake valley. I had to stand on a chair to get reception. I called my Mom and told her, I handed him the phone to talk to her and he said, “she hasn’t answered yet so I am not sure”. We made some other calls too like my Dad.

The other surprise was that in the truck he had somehow smuggled a bottle of Moet and Chandon champagne and two Mikasa crystal glasses…I unloaded the truck, how-huh-uhh?

I am so lucky to have such a romantic guy. He has been so wonderful and great to me. We have seen and done so many things together. Each time we would go do something we would just say to ourselves, “this is a once in a lifetime chance”, I can’t believe we get to do this, people only dream of doing these things”. Times have slowed down and our Rock-n-Roll lifestyle is not as jet set or funded nearly as well, but on the other hand, we are still having fun and I would still say yes.

Side note:
The next weekend we had a Halloween bash to celebrate which was a wild and crazy party. In addition, two weeks later we decided to go back to the cabin to celebrate. We brought Susie, Barry and Tyler. We brought cross-country skis and Tyler was going to hunt with Joe. When we got there – ZERO snow. It was fun anyway!
I also still have and wear those red thermals.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Too Busy, Feast or Famine

It seems everyone I know is so busy. We all have so much going on lately. Everyone has so much going on you can hardly get together to do anything. The family will be getting together tonight to celebrate Jamie's birthday that was yesterday (also Max's 4 month birthday).

Life is certainly not boring lately. I am not complaining…? I have not even written thank you notes for my birthday last month!

Things have picked up with the massage gigs, in fact, I had a conference last week, plus two of my regular accounts. Next week I have one of my regular accounts and a 3-hour gig. But then I do not exactly have a lot going on after that. There are my regular accounts then one conference next month. It would be ideal to have one larger event a month.

Everything seems to happen at once, we are trying to rent one of our houses. It is not going as well as I thought it would. We have been cleaning, working on the yard, repainting, and doing repairs all weekend.

Joe and I did take time out yesterday morning to do something fun; Ozzy, Tyler and him went hunting then Heidi and I went to the downtown Farmer's Market. Then for the evening, we went to dinner to visit our out of town friend Holly. We had a late night out to dinner, it was fun catching up.

We do not even want to talk about what needs to be done at home! What a mess! Well, I must be off now to my landlord job. I guess my house will suffer one more day.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Jumping on the "Random Thought Of The Day" Bandwagon

There is a strange parallel in the fact that Ozzy did not like hunting and John does not like hunting. But JP loves it and Griz did too. Is that why you have 2+ kids/dogs, it increases your odds?

Thanks Stephani for the idea of "Random Thought Of The Day".

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Cookie Bakin’ Dog Is Now A Real Hunt Dog

Back when we first got Ozzy as a pup, we took him to this kennel where these lesbian-bull-dykes “trained” him. It cost a fortune and we really did not like their techniques. They seemed cruel. Ozzy came back from hunting school he seemed crazier and not at all interested in bird hunting. In fact Joe took Ozzy and Griz hunting and Ozzy ignored the birds.

Frustrated, Joe decided to leave Ozzy behind and take Griz who was a natural. He needed no training. He was Mr. Perfect the duck hunter. I did not care I had Ozzy to protect me and keep me company while Joe was gone.

In the fall I have this bizarre desire to cook and bake, nesting if you will. I would always bake cookies while Joe was gone for the weekend. Ozzy would sit in the kitchen and either beg or lay at my feet. Joe asked me what I did and I would reply, “Ozzy and I baked cookies. So we started to call him the cookie-baking dog.

Since Griz passed this last spring we have been debating on getting another hunting dog. We have not wanted to replace Griz. There is no replacing him. Joe has been bugging John to see how Fancy would do. He had this brilliant idea to try Ozzy at it again. Joe went to Idaho last weekend I told him no, you cannot take him and leave me alone.

However today, he was going up to Ambassador Duck Club that Tyler is a member of. Reluctantly after kissing Ozzy like he was going to kindergarten, I said goodbye to them both. Today was a drizzly and rainy day, ideal for duck hunting. Ozzy did really well; he brought back 14 birds and only missed 3. In fact Oz did so well that Tyler kept calling him Griz.

Joe and Ozzy enjoyed their hunting afternoon with Tyler. They are all planning on it again tomorrow. We will see how tired Ozzy acts tomorrow.

I can't believe Joe is stealing my dog after all of these years! He has been MY cookie-baker for 10 years now!

My Memory Loss Problem

I used to joke that I forget because of all the drugs I did in the 60s. I mean really, I was at a Jefferson Airplane (yes, before Starship) concert at the Terrace Ballroom in 1968….granted I was not born yet.

I had a conversation on the phone with Jen yesterday. This was part of it, something like it anyway, since I cannot remember details.
Jen – I think I am going to print that cute picture of Lily and Fancy I took with your camera.
Me – No, I thought I took that
Jen – No I did, but if you want credit for those, I took them with your camera, no big deal
Me – I swear I took them

Well for that matter, there are many pictures people took with my camera in the Family 9 2008 set. I know Jen and Jessie both grabbed the camera here and there. So I should not take credit for them either. I do admit that I have taken way too many pictures. I haven't even posted all of my pictures taken last month to FlickR.

Therefore, I am imposing a new rule, if you take a picture with my camera, you have to write me a sticky note and post it to my forehead. OH and part two of that, if you are taking pictures with my camera… take some freakin’ pictures of me….preferably with me and my husband or grandkids!

One of the reasons I take pictures is something to remember by, I would like to at least look back at a couple pictures of me. That is also the reason I started the blog too. I want to keep track like a journal.

I do have some sort of memory loss problem though. I forget so many things. I sometimes wonder if it is because I am so busy or there is a real problem. It is not age as I have been having this problem for quite a few years now. I wish I could remember more things. The good things, but some of the bad, it makes you appreciate the good.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Oh Babies!

My cousin Rebecca had her little boy on Monday. His name is James Michael. Her Mom Sue called our Aunt Ellen to tell her. Ellen had no idea she was pregnant. Hum, that is a funny story on both sides. I mean, they have talked at least once a month in the last 9 months.

Today, my girlfriend Danette had her little girl. Her name is Madeline “Maddie” Lucille. Danette had the long labor of 4 hours, I hear a collective green (with envy) gasp.

Everyone is healthy. The babies and their moms are doing great.

Our Baby Nate who is married to Jen had his birthday today, he is 27. Happy birthday Nate!

Now if I can get over to see them all in the next week that would be great!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh "MY" Weekend Fun?

Joe went with JP to Idaho for the opening of Duck Season-Wabbit Season-Duck Season-Wabbit Season-Duck Season-Wabbit Season-oooh sorry a Looney Tunes flashback...it was the duck opener in Idaho.
I thought I could get some overdo organizing done, some visiting with friends, etc...nope...I got to clean our duplex rental. It was just as fun on Sunday as it had been on Saturday for me.The joys of being a landlord. What happened it that my ultra-super-duper, extra nice guy husband let these 3 early 20s boys rent it and th last 3 or 4 months, they couldn't pay our rent so he worked...and worked with them until finally they couldn't pay so we ended up using the security and pet deposits up for rent. I adore my husband and his kind heart. He tried to help them out and I don't know if they learned or appreciated anything he did for them. Because I KNEW I didn't want to rent to the little creeps! Anyhew I am back in charge of who rents.

We celebrated Mike's birthday on Saturday. He is just like Joe (sorry Heidi)he is a total kid and enjoys life. Oh and Doobs birthday too.

In other weekend news Christian and Gina got engaged in San Diego! Congratulations!

Promises, promises, promises...I will have MORE pictures on FlickR late this week. I hope to catch up soon!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Fancy Missing You Here

We dog sat Fancy Face Bennett Dillier for John & Jamie when they went to California.

We drove John and Fancy back to their house after tailgating last night. Joe went on and on about how we could keep her during the whole ride. John told us that he more or less he would be in deep crap if he let us have her.

She is a darling dog. I am delighted they have her for so many reasons. I can imagine how much love she gave Diane. I tried to give her as much attention as I could, that is dually as Ozzy was demanding his share.

I got her a new id tag with Jamie and John’s numbers (her full name wouldn’t fit on the tag). I could not bring myself to take off the one with Diane’s number.
Ozzy and Fancy got along very well. Except we think maybe the first day we missed some sort of scuffle. She has an inch long scratch on her nose. I hope her new parents let me watch her again and don't think I didn't watch her good enough!

As a Dog-Grandma I do not have favorites and love them all…but Fancy is a real sweetheart. We will miss little miss Fancy Pants sleeping on our bed.

Again, I have a poop-load of pictures to post on FlickR so bare with me, it will be worth it!

Utes Pelt Beavers 31-28

We went to the Utah Utes vs. Oregon State. I don’t like Thursday games for tailgating. Everyone is so rushed to go tailgate, you get stuck in traffic and you have to scarf down your food then scurry over to the stadium to see kick-off or as like to say for football “tip-off”. You do not have time to enjoy your beverages and you have to chug. Also now (I haven’t been to a game/tailgated for 3 or 4 years) at half time you are not allowed to leave and return! This is just directed at those of us who like to partake in alcohol at halftime!
John, JP, Stephani, Heidi, Mike, Russ, Joe and I tailgated at a different lot than we used to, not as many people. I made baked beans and a couscous salad, Heidi picked up wings from Fiddler’s Elbow, Stephani made a pasta salad & cupcakes. John made a b-double e-r –r-u-n. Steph left us to go babysit...and with all of the delicious (and cute) cupcakes she made.
John and JP sat in another section so Heidi and John were texting the funniest beaver jokes. I think it is best I don't post them.
Look who we found at halftime.
The game was a good start but the 3rd and most of the 4th didn’t look so good. People were starting to leave the last 2 minutes. What the… with 1:48 left in the game, 20-28…even a football dumb-dumb like me knows it could happen! Well it did! Thanks to Louie. That was all fun until we waited almost an hour to get out of the parking lot. More pictures will be on FlickR later this weekend. I still have a bunch from last month I am going through. I will try not to eat the remainder of the cupcakes now but no promises.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

3 Calls In One Day

I have been telling you how things have slowed down for me in my massage business. WELL...I got THREE calls today for massage gigs. Two I can do the other is a conflict with one of the others. So that is good and will pay my student loan & groceries. Now if we can just get our 2 houses rented we will be back on track!

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Yea, it is a song by Green Day, “Wake Me Up When September Ends”. You should look up the lyrics. Unfortunately, it is a bit fitting with all that has gone on this month and this year.

I have never disliked September. September is my birthday month and I have always looked forward to it. This year was different. I turned FORTY! There is always one milestone birthday that hits you hard, this was it for me.

This whole last year has been very trying on me. I won’t bore you with ALL the details but here are the highlights of the lowlights; I haven’t done anything with my life, I didn’t get a real degree/didn’t try hard enough in college (didn’t give it the old college try), didn’t give birth/adopt a Chinese baby, didn’t volunteer enough/didn’t donate enough, didn’t get organized, didn’t get the yard nice, didn’t plant a garden, didn’t compost, ate too much cookie doe/chocolate chips, didn’t save enough money/spent too much on stupid stuff, didn’t do enough for people, didn’t visit grandma enough or other family, been too selfish, didn’t recycle enough, etc.

So how did I make it through this year? With the love of my husband, my family and friends, thank you! My 40th birthday UN-surprise party at Pat’s BBQ was fabulous (of course). Joe with the help of Susie and Lulu planned the party then surprised me with surprise appearances of some friends but best of all Lil’ Jen and Lily.

I get so emotional thinking about how fun of a surprise it was and then how they got to visit with Diane too. Diane was so generous in sharing her kids and grandkids with me. She let me call them my own. She was the best ex-wife a wicked stepmother could have for that reason alone.

Also later in the week, Susie, Barry, his sister & hubby visiting from Germany, my sister and I saw Paul Thorn at Pat’s. He is awesome! Go to my FlickR to see videos. (I suck at taking them)

The other fun thing was that my Aunt Ellen mailed me a funny getting old/40th birthday card every day for two weeks. I felt like Harry Potter getting a daily owl.

It really has not been that bad I guess for the big picture aside from the deaths in the family, and the scares with Max and Kate. My bad year looks quite nice to others. I have so much to be grateful for, I just need to refocus on that. September will always be special to me but as I get older, they are less about me. Damn it, I am getting old and I guess growing up finally. I will be damned if I act mature!

Goodbye September, I don’t know if I will miss you but I know I learned a lot from you this time.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Forgive me father-blog for it has been three weeks since my last post. I have had internet/computer has had issues.

I haven't been ready to write either with all that has happened. We lost 2 family members on the same day. Our sister-in-law Tonya in Idaho lost a damn good fight to diabetes. We lost Diane with a blockage to the heart and suffered a heart attack, something we didn't even have a clue on our radar.
There was a lot of good and bad, many emotions and a lot of love in the past 3 weeks.
These last few months since May have been very emotional. There have been so many losses. I am not really ready to share all my feelings here just yet. I haven't had the words or just can not find them. I just know it hasn't been easy. I don't know how we didn't get to say to them so many things.

In remembrance of some love ones lost in September:
September 8, 2005 Anna Dillier (Joe’s sister)
September 13, 1966 Robert Allen Bennett (Diane’s baby brother, 7 days old)
September 13, 2008 Diane Bennett (Mom of our kids)
September 13, 2008 Tonya Dillier (our sister-in law, Gary’s wife)
September 22, 1998 Joyce Horne (Barry’s Mom)
September 22, 2000 Parley Love (my grandpa “Popa”)
September 22, 2002 Don Love (my uncle)
September 24, 2001 Richard John Pajares (Jamie's Dad)

We love and miss you all.

PS look at the comments on my previous post.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Update

Friday morning Stephani, Bailey, Lulu and BB Queen met at my house to walk over to the Farmer’s Market with Ozzy and me. All of the dogs were extremely well behaved! Ozzy did not try to kill any ankle biters. I later did errands and then went to NACVA HQ to give seated massages to most of the usual suspects.

Joe, Ozzy and I went to Fish Lake Friday night. Saturday am Joe and Keith worked on the deck. They have been pouring the footings. Keith has a plan and Joe jokes that you could land a helicopter on it when it is completed. Keith drove down with his sister Jackie. They stayed at Kevin’s cabin because Kim and her son Griffin came down Saturday after his game or practice. They went to Loa to get more supplies for the deck.

We went to Richfield with Charlie and Joyce. Saturday was their 39th wedding anniversary. The boys went golfing and girls went shopping. We went to dinner after. We ate entirely too much because we had Mexican food.

Sunday morning, we were woken up by Keith calling to invite us to breakfast. Kim and Jackie had made ham, bacon and pancakes. Kim added cinnamon and fresh peaches to the pancakes. I ate three, again entirely too much food.
While Keith worked on the deck, Joe worked on the boat. Ozzy and I went on 3 longer walks throughout the day. Kim, Griffin and Jackie came by and enjoyed the sun with me on our cement part of the deck. They went home and Joe & Charlie went fishing. Since Joe got back late after dark we decided to spend the night and get up at 6 this morning. There were not as many deer around the cabin but as we drove out there were plenty deer. A lot of fawns!

As we drove through Sigard, we got caught behind a school bus. They stop at EVERY little kid’s house! I remarked on how in the city when I waited for the bus, there were at least 20 kids that converged on our stop. Maybe it is because in the winter it is so cold.

About the time we went through Santaquin and Payson, the SIRUIS dj commented about Gary Coleman running over some guy in a Payson bowling alley. The poor guy moved in the middle of poe-dunk nowhere to get away from people folling him around with cameras. He cannot even go bowling in peace.

When we got home our sweet neighbor across the street was doing yard work. I saw our garbage can was put out for us. I knew it was John. I yelled over to thank him and he told us he did another couple of favors too. Saturday he came over to bring us corn and tomatoes. Our garage door was open, apparently from when we left about 7 pm until whenever he came by on Saturday. He put the veggies in the garage and shut our door. Nothing was missing or out of place. They could have stolen at least one of the 2 cars with keys in the ignitions. Also on the front porch was a bag full of miscellaneous produce. I have 3 other neighbors who most likely gave it to us. Yep, we are lucky to have such a great neighbors and live in a great neighborhood!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

An AfFAIR (fiasco) To Remember

Being the dork I am I waited until the very last day (this last Saturday) and the very last couple of hours to take my photo entries to the Utah State Fair. It was in part due to that I had been working the days and times when you could enter.

After I worked the USANA conference, I went to the fairgrounds at about 3:15 pm. Standing in line, I had a conversation with the two people ahead of me about how the mounting should be…apparently I can't read.
“1. All entries must be permanently affixed to a mount board that is approximately 1/8" to 1/4" thick. The mount board can be a standard matte or foam core NO wood, masonite or cardboard NO framed, glass covered, or shrink-wrapped entries except as allowed in the Fine Art Photography PH6 NO hanging devices or other protrusions on the back or front of prints Front (over) "mattes" and edges/borders that are an integral part of prints are acceptable.” What I read…(besides, blah-blah-blah, the mattes you chose should be fine, just glue it.)

Therefore, I drove madly to the Wal-Mart on 13th South. Um, that is the biggest Wally World I have been in AND one of the scariest! I bought several frames, double sided tape and a water. Then I drove back to the fairgrounds. I threw the 3 prints into frames, Mickey Mouse style. I hope the one stays put. Meanwhile when I am doing this I am cursing myself for waiting this long and doubting myself and the quality of work for Fine Art category.

I wait in line again, I get up to the guy who is in charge of accepting the entries for the Fine Art category. I told the story to him that I had to run and buy the frames.
Him – You know that the Fine Art category is juried now? (I have no idea what the hell he is talking about, does that mean I am kicked out if they think it sucks? Btw, I still don’t know)
Me – uh, ok I guess, I am stuck with it now
We do all of the paperwork. I look down at my entry paper what he wrote. Lot 1 for all three prints.
Me- I meant for each of these to be in different categories.
Him – yes, Fine Art category there are no lots (divisions like action, pets, children, landscapes, etc (my heart sank)
You see the plan was that I was going to win 1st place in all lots (this was before all of the self-doubt, etc)Me – oh, I see
Him – oh, do you have your digital files of these?
Me – no! I was not planning on being in the Fine Arts division. My heart sinking again.
Him – we need it for all entries
Me - Can I email it?
Him – no, I don’t do email
Me - Can I bring it tomorrow or the next day or next? Sometime, anytime?
Him – do you know where the Wal-Mart in Taylorsville is?
So I took it to his house on Sunday. At least I hope he got it.I will go to the fair next week to see how it compares with it all or if they even hung my photos. I really would have made some different choices had I known. Like I would have skipped the “Cowboy Up” print.
Well, I guess I will give it a shot next year. It is not like I won't have another 1000 pictures I have taken in 2009 to choose from! They never called me to tell me to get this crap out of here so I guess it is ok. We shall see!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Patriotic but Lazy

Today I finally took down the 4th and 24th of July decorations.

There really is a reason for it though. First, there was the main holidays already stated, and then there were the Olympics. I felt it my duty, my honor and privilege to leave them up for that, well then I kept forgetting to take them down. But THEN came Labor Day. How American is THAT? And what about the Democratic and Republican conventions?

I took down the ribbons and banner today. From my perch on the couch, I can see the front door, which is donning the lit American flag. Perhaps I will take it down and sing Taps in my head.

I might just put the flag back up for Patriot Day, September 11th. Or should I just enjoy it from the couch? I bet I could leave it up until we vote in November!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Post Surgery Update on Kate - BENIGN!

Since my last post about Kate, I had a chance to talk a little to George. They needed the O+ blood for transfusion. They need a couple days to prep the blood. I can always be available in the future should there (hopefully not) be any more surgeries. I haven't donated blood for a while and I am wondering why. I will soon.

It turns out that they have been struggling this last year with Kate having bouts of vision problems and vomiting. Like George said, "who would put vision problems and vomiting together as a brain tumor?”

They checked in Tuesday night to Primary Children's. The best surgeons in the country are there and I would not feel comfortable knowing she (or any child) would be having surgery anywhere else.

Yesterday the surgery started later than scheduled due to the surgery ahead of Kate's. They did not start hers until 5 pm. It was supposed to start at noon. How nerve racking. Surgery in general you just want to get over as soon as possible. Especially poor little Kate not being able to eat.

An email from their friend who is keeping several of us in the loop.
"Hi Everyone, Definitely a long night for George, Heidi and Kate. Heidi said everything went well. The tumor has been removed and it is benign, great news. All of Kate's vitals are great, clear lungs, good heart rate. She's off to the MRI and they will have more information later today. Again, when Heidi calls me I will send out an email right away. They will let us know when visitors are permitted. It sounds like it will be at least a few days. Talk to you soon. Joie"

I will keep you updated as I hear.

Well, I am off to get ready for my day at the USANA conference doing seated massages (today through Saturday).

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wildlife Weekend

Keith, Shasta, Joe, Ozzy and I went Friday night to Fish Lake. We saw two huge bucks (no really - tall, wide and lots of points) just outside of Scipio.

Saturday the boys prepped the cabin for painting. Ozzy and I went on a short walk. My camera battery was dead so I grabbed Joe’s. At least I had something when the osprey was flying RIGHT over my head. I could have gotten some killer pics, but got a couple of mini videos that will be on FlickR. It flew with us as we walked. It reminded me of when we were in Maui one time and the whales kept jumping as I walked the boardwalk. I loved it!

Then the boys went golfing and Joyce and I went shopping in Richfield. I decided to get Joyce off of the mountain before she really went cabin feverish. We stopped on the way back so I could take pictures of three wild turkeys. Hey! That is a sign that I am going to be a better bowler.

Then we came back and grilled up some brats (Joe and Charlie call them BraCTwurst...drives me crazy), steaks and fresh fish. It was a complete feast with: grapes, blueberries, honey-loupe (a yummy hybrid of cantaloupe and honeydew melons from the farmer’s market), farmer’s market bread from Volker’s, feast with pasta salad made from basil from our yard, farmer’s market tomatoes, mozzarella and parmesan cheeses. We completed dinner with chocolate covered cinnamon bears.

Sunday Keith and Joe painted the cabin then went fishing at Mill Meadow with Charlie late in the afternoon into the evening.

About 5 minutes after they left, a doe and her fawn were in front of the cabin. They were chowing on our tender aspen at Skyliner Diner. I’ll have those pictures and a lot more late today and this week.

Ozzy and I went for a walk that ended up being just under two hours. It was late afternoon most people were gone so there were a bunch of animals out. We saw a lot more deer. There were spikes, does and fawn. They could have been the same 3 we kept pushing down the hill. Besides the deer, I saw: a variety of birds, chipmunks, squirrels, a rabbit, water snake, about 3 water rat things, a beaver in some rocks then a beaver swimming by the dam. I also watched some fish in less than a foot of shoreline water feeding on the bugs. They surfaced like sharks. I think they were just big carp. I also saw a fat – 3 inch caterpillar by our cabin.

They came home so late and with cleaning the fish, we ended up spending the night and leaving early Monday morning. The decision came because a big pretty moth landed on Joe’s shoe. We debated but the prospect of getting home after 1 am and possibly hitting a deer wasn’t what we all really wanted.

Besides, Joe named the moth Bob Jr. Which shouldn’t be confused with Bob the antelope hanging in the cabin. Bob the antelope will be another story another time. The moth hung out on his shoe for a long time. I want to say at least 45 minutes. He had to pry it off to come in the cabin. Although Joe was quite attached to it too. Either it was eating his shoe or laying eggs. Maybe we will have moth babies. At least they will be cute.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I Need Your Help Please Vote!

Either something is up with Blogger or I am just a pure idiot. I have been trying to do a slideshow or copy and paste...arrgggh Very frustrating! Anyhew, see the voting tool on the right?

Or go to my FlickR page http://flickr.com/photos/89746220@N00/sets/72157605886832484/

Thinking of Little Kate

(Domonique left & Kate on Right)
On the way down to Fish Lake, my long time friend Stacey called and broke some bad news. Our friends Heidi and George’s daughter Kate has been having some vision problems. Kate is only 8 years old. They took her in to get it checked out and one thing led to another and then to a MRI. It turns out she has a tumor the size of a tangerine. I believe it is on her brain stem.

My head was just swimming when she was telling me. I cannot believe it. She will be having surgery this week and they need O positive blood. I happen to be O+. They really needed it by last Saturday, I am hoping I can still help out by giving today or tomorrow. Please keep her in your thoughts and pray if it is what you do.

Last Friday - Revised with Punchlines!

Friday morning Ozzy and I walked to Murray Park. We were met by Jamie and the boys at the Farmer’s Market.

It didn’t even occur to me that I would be put in charge of Alex, BY Alex. I knew I would help of course, but he does really well about sticking with you. I told him to hold my hand while Jamie got the stroller, the gear and Max out of the car. He made sure that I held his hand, well except to pick up and throw various round shaped fruits and veggies. He just can’t help it, it is a ball or looks like one!

We discussed how we miss the people from goat farm and their yummy flavored cheeses and the apple truck with the gala apples. Where are these people?! Don’t they know they got us hooked last year?!

We made our route, bought some tamales for lunch. Then we all piled in the mini-van. Ozzy thought it was Christmas! Much to Ozzy’s delight, Alex left a Hansel and Gretel trail of treats on the floor. Needless to say, if you need your car picked up of food, call on Ozzy. No raisins please as they are deadly to dogs.

Immediately when Alex comes in our house he goes for the toys. And Max went straight for boob. After his contentment of boobiness, he hung out on my lap. What a cute thing.

Sitting in the “game” room (the room contains a pool table, bar, big screen, big gun safe, and various taxidermy) with Jamie and the boys:
Jamie – (after a long study of them) do you have to dust those ducks?
Me – yea, but not lately
Jamie – how do you?
Me – just with a duster
Jamie – (after staring at the deer) are those elk?
Me - no, deer the elk are in the garage
Jamie – do you have to dust their nostrils? And how do you dust them?
Me – chuckling, hum, I guess I should but I just dust them regular and I have to get their antlers since the spiders like to make webs.
Jamie – (I can’t remember exactly what else but I am sure it was something to the effect of I don’t know how you do it).

I read Jamie's comment and realized OH CRAP! That was the true punchline! Yes, everyone Jamie asked - Is that a chicken?
Me - no, (laughing)it is a pheasant.
Jamie - it looks like a chicken

Then I gave Alex a nickle.
Me - Do you know what is it Alex?
Alex - A nipple!
Me - (laughing again)no, it is a nickle
Alex - A NIPPLE!!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Catch Up - Update and Miscellaneous

I realized that I have not written about the last 2 weekends. Joe, Ozzy and I went to Fish Lake both times. Last weekend, Christian and Gina went with us, the weekend before Heidi and Doobie went with us. Both weekends we had: great weather, great hikes and walks, great animal sightings (see FlickR).

We are up late every night watching the Olympics EXCEPT at the cabin because the reception is terrible for NBC. You can hear it but it looks like snow on LSD.

Instead of individual comments on family blogs, I am commenting here (I know somewhat lazy):

John, I expected a post on a review of the Star Wars ani-movie.

Jamie, let’s go buy you some pretty underwear! Don’t be so critical of yourself, you are doing just fine. YOU ARE A GREAT MOMMY. I wish I had some potty training advice but in place of, the advice I have is to just immediately jump in the shower each morning. Who cares about doing hair, just comb it, who cares about makeup, you are an au naturale beauty! I have found that if I don’t shower first thing… I don’t until 7 pm…only because I know Joe is coming home!

Stephani, I can’t believe the ABC gum! Yuck!
I meant to tell you after we dog sat, that I think your darling but crazy and very rambunctious puppy is a full time job, throw up or not. You are a super star for being so patient. Just think of all of the additional practice for your future rambunctious Dillier children!

Jen Marie, if anyone can have abs of steel you can, tell Nate to kiss my buns of steel, I mean buns of Jell-O for not believing in you.

Lauri, I have not been there to compare so I don’t know if Goodwood is as good as my favorite BBQ restaurant. Pat’s BBQ http://www.patsbbq.com is the best in my opinion and live music.
I am sorry you had a crappy day yesterday too. I think if was an overall doubt yourself day as I was in the dumps too!

Perhaps it was the remnants of the full moon just making us loony, question ourselves and test us.

Anyhew, kisses to all of the puppies/kids and especially their parents.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Personality

These sort of things amuse me so I thought I would share it with you.

5%, really? Who programs these? Do it and tell me what yours says. It is only about 20 questions.

Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Gooey Patriotism

I don't know if I am bragging or complaining...EVERY time hear the national anthem at a sporting event or I watch the Olympics and we win a GOLD ...I get all blubbery and tear up. I think I am just proud.
Go USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Welcome Back Farmer’s Market and Rain!

For exercise and saving gas, Ozzy and I walk almost every day to the Post Office to get the mail. The PO is by the park. It started last week but I was working. I didn’t remember about it until this morning. It started to rain on the way over. We got our mail and walked over to the market.

There wasn’t as much for some reason. I missed getting arugula from the Oriental guy. However, the bread guy was there! I got my fav, asiago basil. I didn’t want to carry too much since we were walking so I got a small amount of apricots and peaches.

The walk home I tore off a piece of bread and ate an apricot. My shoes were soaked but I wasn't nearly as wet as the first time Stephani, Molly, Ozzy and I went last year. We get some wet walks!

I miss my Farmer’s Market team; Stephani, Jen, Lily, Jamie & Alex! We need to plan on the next one and I’ll make you lunch after like last year. It isn’t the same eating the fresh stuff alone.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Last Month, Last Week and Weekend Update

Times are hard here sports fans, I just lost one of my massage accounts last week. It was not a huge account, only once a month for a couple hours. I did make enough to pay my monthly student loan. This season isn’t nearly as busy as last year. As Joe says though “I am the yin and he is the yang, he had a good work week”.

Nevertheless, on that same note, I did work at a convention last week. I worked Wednesday through Saturday with Choice and Dave at the Stampin’ Up! Convention. We were extremely busy and very happy about it. There must be something wrong with me not to want to scrapbook. I admire all of the work but I can’t even keep up with digital anymore.

Sunday was a very lazy day to recoup. Joe sawed off half of the metal railing on our back patio deck. He added a long stair, now it has 3 steps instead of 2.

Sunday was also Ozzy’s TENTH birthday. I took him for a walk and cleaned up his poo for his birthday. What else would you get for the dog that has everything and has the best life?

As for my 1Y2OL project progress, well, it looks like I am overflowing last month’s project into August. I am just going about it all wrong and not sticking to the book. I cannot help myself. I have never been one to read a manual before operating anything, nor have I ever been able to get into shape by reading “Shape Magazine” or “Self” Hell, I didn’t even ever really study a book in school.

Well, I am off to procrastinate more now by doing something completely what I am not to do.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Heirloom or Crap Proposal

Joe and I had a great conversation tonight, well kind of. It started with the fact that we canceled a family trip up to my Mom's family property at Bear Lake for Raspberry Days the weekend after next. We are going to go to Fish Lake instead. Allow the explanation to follow.

We canceled because George W. should declare it a disaster area. The lakeside property has been in the family for over 40 years. There are three cabins with about 2 to 3 rooms each. Then the property/house across the street they purchased in the 80’s has 4 bedrooms - 2 baths and a lot of common area, 2 garages. The property is for sale. Therefore, my mom, aunt, cousins and some of their friends have spent quite a long weekend emptying it...into the cabins (thank you).

So the PROPOSAL is that along with my organization of our house that I get rid of HALF of our possessions. So get ready, it could be one huge butt garage sale.

Side note: the more properties you have the more you spread around your crap!

As much as my husband's children don't think I care about them, I don't want them or anyone else in my family to have to pour through our possessions and decide what to do with them. Once more, I look back on my experience with my dad's sudden death and Ma's (Joe's mother). It was awful to look through his crap (and some good crap) and try to figure out if it was worth anything or worth keeping. Sometimes it is a fine line between an heirloom and crap. I am just recently trying to distinguish why I have an item.

I will explain each item that is indeed a family heirloom. Yes there will be a list. We have many things from both sides of my families and Joe's. I want to make sure they go to that side. OMG! I think I am starting my/our (our possessions) will! I guess it is never to early.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Are you going to go out with me tonight or should I just go fishing? A love story

I was asked that question thirteen years ago this date. How romantic is that?! Back then was working as a temp at Freedom Mortgage and I smoked. On my smoke breaks, I would run into him. He really was charming but oh my he was old!

I thought I would avoid him but we magnetized to each other. I resisted and resisted to go out with him. I asked a friend “What do you think about Joe? Should I go out with him?” Julie said he was a really great guy and one of her best friends. To this day Joe insists that I only went out with him to screw up his fishing. Well, sort of, I just wanted to see how much he really wanted to go out with me. It appeared he liked to fish a lot so I set my lure (get it!? fishing humor?).

We went out that night I was extremely into listening to Blues and it so happened that night was the Snowbird Jazz & Blues Festival. We went there and on the way, we got lost. Who gets lost going to the canyon?

I tried my hardest to not like him by belching (I was really good then because I had a high intake of beer). Then we went into one of the buildings and I pushed him into the automatic sliding door bonking his head.

It was sold out, no tickets! But it was back in the day when you could grab a blanket, a cooler and sit on the grass behind their fence and just listen to the music. We had nachos and margaritas at the restaurant just above the music area. Then (Dillier kids ear/eye muffs) we sat and listen to the music and made out. We went back home and made out some more while True Lies played on his VCR.

(Ok you can open your eyes again)
From that night forward we have been together through some absolutely amazing adventures, some huge fights, some little fights, some boring times, exciting times. It hasn't been perfect but it has been real. But best of all we experienced it together. So here’s to another lucky 13 and beyond!

Rainmaker Weekend

We went to Fish Lake Friday through Sunday again this weekend. JP, Stephani and their dogs joined us.

Saturday Joe & JP went to Richfield to meet Wayne to golf and sell JP & Steph’s pontoon boat. Stephani and I went for a walk down to the lake with the dogs. We had an enjoyable time. Then walking back up the hill it started to rain. We thought, oh, it wouldn’t get that bad. Nevertheless, by the time we got to Charlie and Joyce’s cabin we were sopping wet. In addition, just the last couple minutes before that it was hailing on us. Wow, that hurts! I had no idea how the elements could be so harsh. I suppose it was the false sense of security since we were so close to the cabins. We took shelter under the eaves of their cabin. Water was dripping off of our noses. Joyce was home and offered everything from blow dryers to coats and umbrellas. We thought we could wait it out and make it to the cabin after it let up. Oh, it never did. Joyce ended up giving us a ride to our cabin. It is only about the equivalent of two or three blocks but in the downpour, whoa. The three dogs and I were in the back while Stephani rode in the front with Joyce and my precious camera. We peeled off our sodden clothes and had some cocoa with big marshmallows on top.

When the boys returned we went to Torrey for dinner at the Rim Rock Restaurant. It is one of my favorite restaurants. Joe and I shared our much loved “Lee Van Cleef’s Spaghetti and Meat Boulders” (do you get it?, Spaghetti Western?), while Stephani and JP indulged in a steak and a hamburger. We followed dinner with each couple splitting an “ice cream sandwich”, Rim Rock style.

And we continued the rain theme by going to Grover’s Hale Summer Playhouse and seeing “The Rainmaker”. It was another great production. We were sad to hear that it was the last night of their last play of the year. It was very well done once again.

Sunday morning we slept in and went to the Bowery Haven for breakfast. Jeff and Sue the owners teased us about coming so late for breakfast. See, they quit serving breakfast at 11 am and we have the reoccurring habit of showing up at 10:50 am.

Our plan to go on a hike was drizzled out. There were huge rain clouds over the area we planned to hike in. Joe and JP were deeply saddened and dropped the plan and us girls like hot potatoes. They called Charlie to join them golfing again in Richfield.

Joyce, Stephani, the dogs and I went for a walk. We really thought we could make it before the rain came again. Luckily we did not venture as far this time and we were only partially wet. Joyce literally rain away from us when it started, apologizing in Joyce fashion of course.

In the afternoon, Stephani and I watched the X Files movie in prep for the new movie.

The guys returned again and we drove home through the Lion’s Trail again. We saw a lot of wildflowers, deer and elk…in the rain…damn Bill Starbuck!