Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Farm and Thanksgiving

I wrote this originally in 1992 but I want to share some of my family memories of Thanksgiving. My grandparents owned property in Holladay, aka the Farm. We would go there for many holidays but always for Thanksgiving. My sister and I lived in the front house for a few years until I moved with Joe and Pam bought a house. The Farm property was sold recently and our family still misses it.

There was a lot of family history there. We had: tea parties, craft projects, Thanksgivings, Easter egg hunts, cooling in the yard on summer days and so much more. My Grandma would make these huge rolls that were so delicious. I wish we had asked her sooner how to make them. I tried a couple years ago and she could not quite remember the recipe since she had not made them for so long. She will be 94 next month and still darling. We all miss Popa, he had a gentle but genuine laugh. I cannot believe all of the work they would do for these gatherings.

I even cooked my first turkey there for one of our Thanksgiving dinners. I also remember they always bought the biggest turkeys. I think they were at least 20 pounders! Grandma gave me the heavy brown dishes we used there and I treasure them. I dream, as the grandkids get older they can have fond memories like me. I hope I am going to be a fun grandma like my grandma.

The Farm

The Farm, where some of my best family memories are found. I have not walked to the creek to throw rocks for several years now. Myrtle vines envelope the path to the creek that was once perfectly trimmed. When pale blue flowers bloom on the myrtle, I can be caught picking one and sucking the sweet syrup just as I always done.

Secluded by a small forest of trees, set back from the busy road, this property was surrounded by rural country, just a few years ago. Located so far out of town, my grandparents named it “The Farm”. With two houses on the large property, a figure eight shaped driveway circles the front house and pushes the back house closer to the creek. Ma-Betty (Grandma) and Popa (Grandpa) would retreat to “the Farm”, their haven.

I also remember summer days sitting in the cool yard of the back house with Ma-Betty and Popa. Reclined in butterfly chair they would talk about how quiet it was. Ma-Betty mentioned many times that she would like to move to the back house.

Thanksgiving Popa and Ma-Betty would bring the turkey (or the dead bird as they named it) out to the farm the night before. Sometimes my sister Pam and I spent the night on the bunk beds. Being the youngest, I had to sleep on the top bunk, but I always felt secure from rolling off because of the rough green wooden 2 by 2 pole across the side of the bed.

East of “the Farm”, where there is now a restaurant and a parking lot was once a field of tall grass. Before helping with the banquet, Pam and I would love to play in that field. We would gallop on our hands and knees neighing and bucking like wild horses.
On the morning of Thanksgiving, around 3 or 4 in the morning Ma-Betty would be up throwing the dead bird in the oven. By two o’clock, it was time to help Ma-Betty set the feast out. We never had to worry about not having enough food for everyone, there was always plenty. I would stand by the oven door as Ma-Betty opened it, the heat would wave into my face with an inviting aroma. The turkey was glazed to a perfect brown, wading in its own gravy. Popa started the buzzing electric knife to trim and I could never resist stealing a steaming piece. He would chuckle and then his hand with the knife would make a playful swat.

There were so many side dishes to go with the turkey, you could not fit them all on your plate. I would always bury the soft white meat with a large heap of potatoes and smother it all in gravy. On the side, I liked green peas creamed but always slightly lumpy, (just perfect in my opinion). I would never take any stuffing. Grandma would make it so sticky that only an adult could enjoy it.

If I was unfortunate enough to have someone to prepare my plate, it would be piled with squishy overcooked zucchini, awful orange colored yams and other dishes I did not care for. If I was too slow to finish my helping, I would be threatened to finish the entire pan. Of course, I could always look forward to the creamy, sweet eggnog, which satisfied my already gorged stomach.

After dinner we would settle back and cover the round wood and glass coffee table with shoeboxes full of old photographs. We would chat and giggle about the photographs for hours. There were snapshots of several trips I remember like the one of Pam and me running on a beach in Hawaii. Or the many pictures of our cabins at Bear Lake, the all time family favorite is of Popa wearing nothing but his “Pork-n-Beans” swim trunks and a pair of cowboy boots.

Today I live in the front house with my sister Pam. I walk the dog back around to the mouth of the path leading to the creek. But I always seem to stop because the myrtle vine growing wildly. We do not act like horses anymore, but most of the shoeboxes of memories are still there and always will be.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Things I Don't Notice

Joe just informed me it was time for me to make his salad for him. Yep it is about 10 pm. He eats late. All the guy eats is a salad for dinner. It used to be more elaborate but he really doesn't care (or notice). All he wants is lettuce and cheese. I chop up Romaine and throw grated cheese on top. He wouldn't care if I bought it in a bag or use a fresh head of lettuce. He has to have it with Italian dressing. I make it with the Good Seasons Italian dressing mix and Balsamic vinegar.
In the morning he just needs Lipton Diet Ice Tea, raspberry or peach.
What brings all this up is that I went shopping today and got holiday shaped pretzels and they were on the counter.

Joe - what are these
Me - pretzels, holiday ones, see the shape? Don't eat them yet.
Joe - I don't eat pretzels. If you haven't noticed that I don't ever eat them.
Me - No, I din't notice, hum.
Joe - I do eat salads though.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Go Utes and Go Creative Cottage Boutique!

If you are not going to the game, come to our holiday boutique! Get a massage and get some unique gifts for your holiday list.
The best way to get there is to go along from 9400 South - Highland Dr "until it ends", turn right on 9800 South at the flashing 3 way, turn left by the LDS church, go 1 block and turn left onto Blithfield. Saturday, November 22nd, 10 am to 7 pm, 1878 E Blithfield Circle (9885 South) in Sandy. It is it on the right side end of the circle. Call me otherwise if you can not find it.

Suckered Again

There should be a sign on our front door that says “Long Term Dog Sitting Service, Just Drop Dog and Run”. JP and Stephani had us watch Bailey for a few months before they moved into their new home. Then Heidi and Mike had us watch Doobie for about a year before they moved into their new home.
Meet Cambry, who will be spending the next 6 months with us. She spent last night with us. It took her a while, she whined for Benton. Benton is JP’s friend. Or as I have always called him “Bay-Un”, use your Utah accent and you will get it.
Ozzy is still deciding if this is okay or not.
This morning while checking emails Ozzy and her shared the couch. Look at her front paws. Yep, just like Griz. How am I going to be able to give her back in 6 months?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Holiday Boutique Saturday November 22nd

I might not have mentioned this to anyone since I did not believe I would be even close to ready for this…but on Saturday, I am going to be at a Holiday Boutique. Well, 2 days away and I am really not. Nevertheless, you know me, I have to wait until the last minute!

I will be offering seated massages 15 minutes for $17.00. I will also be selling my photos. I hopefully can get it together enough to also prepare note cards from my photos.

Please come if you are not already going to be tailgating and going to the Utah and BYU Football game. Utah is going to kick BYU’s butt so just come and get some holiday shopping done.

Some of the items available are handmade beaded jewelry, handmade blankets, handmade cards (note cards, birthday cards, etc.), scrapbook pages, paintings, handmade holiday décor, and lots of other local art. You can go to www.creationcottage.etsy.com 10 am to 7 pm, 1878 E Blithfield Cirle (9885 South).

I hope you can make it. Please send this along to anyone you know that might be interested. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

TWO Downtown Fieldtrips In 2 Days!

Yesterday, Stephani, Jamie, Max and I went to the Leonardo to see Body Worlds. I tried not to be apprehensive about seeing it purely because when in my anatomy class before, I could not eat meat for at least 6 months after. The cadaver lab was interesting and all but the smell was terrible. Even today the smell of some lotions, especially if older or cinnamon gum, especially Big Red…takes me back to class.
The exhibit captivated me. Once we got in there I was wishing I could spend a whole day in there studying everything. I learned so much. Yet as I lay in bed before falling asleep, I had more questions and desire to see more! They need a Body Worlds 4 and SOON! I really do not want to buy a video I will only watch once but I would love to see the “how they do it all” video. (PS see her blog for her funny version of events – again, I need to learn the linkybackthingie)

Today, I met my Mom and Pam at Paradise Bakery for dinner. I had never eaten there, it was good, loved the brownie! But, what made me the happiest was the bathroom. I always love auto: toilets/sink/paper towel dispensers but they had this foot pull thing to open the door…yesssssss!
From there we rode Trax down to the new library. My Mom wanted us to see an exhibit there that turned out to be not as exciting as she thought. But it was alright. I had not been inside it before tonight. So where are the card catalog drawers? Do you remember their smell? Now do not concern yourselves (especially my aunt/Grandma Sue who works at the library) that I do not read. I have just been buying or borrowing. Ever since massage school I have picked up a bit of OCD on things that people touch that I do not know….well, I have it with people I do know too! I updated my county library card to include SLC. I can borrow up to 100 items at a time now! Who does that and why?
We explored the shops and every floor. My favorite was of course the children’s floor. I loved their “Crystal Cave” and I think it is called “The Loft”. When I was little and going to that library all we had were books and chairs!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Eight Things

I was tagged by Jamie (I have no idea how to do the underline and link back to her…yes I am illiterate).

Eight TV shows I like to watch:
1. CSI
2. CSI Miami
3. Boston Legal
4. Anything on the Food Network
5. Anything on the History Channel except Gangland
6. Jay Leno
7. Craig Ferguson
8. The Simpsons

Eight restaurants where I like to go to eat:
1. Pat’s BBQ - Pat's will be on the Food Network's Diners Drives and Dives January 19th, 2009. http://www.patsbbq.com/
2. Oyster Bar
3. Boulevard
4. Lumpy’s with a drink too of course
5. The Bowery Haven at Fish Lake
6. The Rim Rock in Torrey
7. Chez Paul or The Waterfront in Maui
8. Porcupine Grill

Eight things that happened today:
1. Picked up my car at the shop
2. Went to McDonald’s drive thru to save time but ended up spending more time there than in # 3. Got a McLatte and McParfait, they were McStupid.
3. Registered my car late at the DMV drive thru
4. Showered before NOON!
5. Went to Joe’s office to do seated massages
6. (went home and then)Ozzy and I walked to the Post Office to get the mail, then Joe’s office to pickup the other car.
7. Read emails and blogs, did this little ditty
8. Finally rented and got the deposit for a house rental (after waiting for them for an hour and meeting tonight with them/talking/texting for the last 3 weeks)! I hope that this is not going to set precedence for how rent is paid.

Eight things I am looking forward to:
1. The holidays
2. Going to see Body Worlds with Jamie and Steph
3. Doing fun things with the grandkids like making cookies, crafts and going places with them like St. George, Fish Lake, museums, zoos and DISNEYLAND
4. learning how to sew besides a button or mend a sock
5. Getting organized within this next year!
6. Getting a puppy????!!!!
7. Getting busy with massage work, selling photography stuff
8. Having a cocktail after dealing with my new renters!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remember And Honor

Happy Veteran’s Day and thank you all for your service!
This is Joe’s father, aka Pa. I never had the opportunity to meet him. He passed away years before I met my husband. I do not know all of his military history but this will be one of my projects this fall. I want to get it all documented for the family.
He had an album of his military service. It has his photos, letters, plus more photos, propaganda cards from captured prisoners from Germany etc. It is packed with amazing pieces of history!
This particular photo has his caption “My First Uniform Fort Knox”.

This is my Dad. I think he served in Korea in the early 60’s. There are so many questions you want to ask someone but you don’t and when they are gone it is lost forever. Stories that I might have been bored with when I was younger I crave for them now. I am going to ask my aunts and other family for more information.

No matter how you feel about war please honor our vets. Spend 2 minutes today at 11:00 am remembering all those who gave for our freedom.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby Steps

Yep, been slackin’ a lot on the home/life organization project. After trying to put something away in the junk drawer, I did this…I thought I would take a picture to commemorate it. It has been almost 2 years since we moved in and I think that is the first time I have straightened it since then.
Now if I can do something like this once a day, that would be good. I am going to go a similar route to Jamie’s new plan of weekly goals for her PHM. I am going to pick a problem area that overwhelms me and at least straighten it/clean it out.
On this drawer I did: throw away items, put stuff in give away, put it in it’s proper place or reassign it’s new home. I have some things I still see there that I will rethink but for now, I am going to enjoy how pretty it looks.

Happy End to Furby AMBER Alert

According to the family spokesperson, “the volunteers in the community and family, the Sheriff’s office all implemented an unbelievable and extensive search in the Aves area, even spanning the downtown area and it was much appreciated.” They found that the missing Furby, Lou Dell Furburino, aka Furbs, was looking for food in a kitchen cabinet and got lost behind a pan. He was severely dehydrated from the lack of dog slobber but happy to be home. When asked how he felt now that he was home he said, “mei-mei-un-eye, I love you”. His parent Doobs and grandparents are all well.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lost Pet Please Help!

Please look closely at the flyer (click or right click to make larger). If you have any information let me know ASAP. REWARD! Please help my Granddog Doobie!

Add To “My Hate To Do So I Do It Sloppy List”

There are so many things that I think I want to do or know that it needs be done. Therefore, I attempt at it, then hate doing it, then get bored, then get pissed, then just leave it for Joe to fix. Not one of his favorite qualities about me but for some reason he still loves me. Whew!

I am going in a bit to work tonight at a convention doing seated massages and through the weekend. Let’s hope that when he comes home and sees I have started this project, then he will fix it.

I have never tried the shrink and seal window plastic. I wanted to use it for our less insulated game room. In hopes that at least sitting by the window we won't feel a cold breeze. I have used shrink-wrap for manuals and books before and I thought it was fun. This stuff is nothing like it. It is not shrinking! Maybe it is that I am not patient enough. I do not know if it would be easier if it were two people or not. I just know Ozzy is no help whatsoever. He will not even hand me the scissors!

UPDATE: Joe just came home early to watch the Utes game. He said it was okay. Whew! Oh and GO UTES!!! Remember to wear black for this game.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting Memories Or Lack Thereof

I remember when I was younger, my grandparents would go vote. Upon their return, I would question them who they voted for and they were always so quiet. I am pretty sure Grandma is a Democrat and Popa was a Republican. Pam remembers Gram say; “we canceled each other’s votes”. But they did it! They voted.
Apparently, I have a bad memory because I thought that I have been a voter since I turned 18. I cannot remember voting the first time I was eligible though. Is it because it was so long ago? I am a bit disappointed in myself. Why didn’t I? I am pretty sure MTV was all over the vote. I loved MTV (back when they played music).
I even bragged to Heidi that I have been voting since I was old enough. But what I told her was that I remember specifically voting in 1992 Clinton vs Bush. I went to a church nearby my Mom’s house. The line went around inside and out of the church. I remember specifically voting for Clinton.
But the year in question is 1988, the Bush vs Dukakis election. I was 20 by election time. Is there a way I can find out if I voted? Aren’t there records somewhere? Would I really have voted for Dukakis? Did I black out?
Are these good confessions, I do not know.
Just go vote and don’t make fun of my voting or poor memory. At least I have voted the last 5 out of 6 elections for sure!

Belated Weekend Update - I know it is long sorry

My chili was a bit of a disaster. First off it wasn’t as hot as I thought, that was okay. But I decided to try dry beans instead of canned. I thought it would be less mushy…oh they were the COMPLETE opposite indeed! My personal food critic JP told me pretty much I should keep my day job (everyone else was polite and lied, JP JUST HAS to be honest…love the little brat, no really, I do, he is JUST like his FATHER! Honest about my cooking).
I had soaked them for OVER 24 hours. I put them in the crock-pot for at least 8 hours. I knew I should simmer them after the soak, but OMG, they were cru-hu-uhNCEEEEEE! Everyone picked them out. I put in pintos in question, black beans, red kidney beans and white kidney beans or canelli beans.
Oh well, I know how to do it next time at least. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! My chili is usually (unless everyone is really just lying to me – hey, I like it) fabulous and best if I use elk meat. Yes, you people who think chili should be made with out beans, I make it with beans.
Nevertheless, it was a non-stop door knocking fest. We had a boatload or cruise ship full of trick or treaters! Joe even had a matching pimp who was maybe 7 years old if that. What parent thinks it is okay that their child is a pimp? What is next hookers?
I was an original, a witch. But I had Norma’s spider on my witch hat. It was a must to honor her. I had her lighted pumpkin and ghosts on my front porch. It was not even 1 percent of how she would decorate. Norma was my good friend’s mother who passed away this year. She was THE holiday decoration GODDESS! My Christmas decorations will be embellished with her touch!
All of the kids (except Jen, Nate and Lily in AZ) came over. We even had my all of our grand-dogs. Heidi was Sarah Palin. She told me she decided to be her because I told her she had Sarah Palin glasses. They are I swear! Mike wore a McCain mask and then loaned it to Ozzy. Doobie was a hotdog.
Heidi made Diane’s popcorn balls. I ate one the next day, and regretted not keeping them all to eat myself. Jamie made cupcakes and Steph brought the cutest pumpkin bread bowls.
Saturday, Mike’s son Andrew had a HS football playoff game in Lay’on…that is Layton for you out of staters. I consider him my future grandson since he is Mike’s (Mike is Heidi’s boyfriend) son.
It was amazing. I always watch games with complete faith until the last minute feeling in my gut that they will win. I feel they will win because I feel it.
Even if he wasn’t’ the star quarterback I would love the guy! He is so cute too, looks just like his pops. Oh, I mean good looking, guys aren’t cute. But Andrew is High School Musical cute (don’t tell him I said that he will never like me, oh and the girlfriend is too)!
I didn’t get to meet him since it was game time and well honestly the best time to meet someone is not right after a game …win or lose…well, especially if it was a loss.
I took pictures of the game. The energy was intense. I have not been on a field photographing for 20 years. This time it was different. I felt more pain watching the boys being sacked. I am an adult now and a body worker. I understand now how a simple football tackle can damage the body. The ooffs and thuds were so emotional to me. I do not know if I will be able to handle watching any of the grandkids at sports. I feel like I am going in to protection mode or as Joe likes to call it my Scrappy Doo to kick the other kid’s butts. But the pride I felt seeing him play was incredible!