Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It Happened April 8th…

1982 - Today is Marshall’s birthday. He was our friend’s son. He would have been 27 but he passed away in 2005 from heart failure. My thoughts are always with his parents and family today. Kevin and family have been celebrating his birthday still in San Diego and it is a great tribute. I believe it is important to continue to celebrate those we love even after their passing.

1999 - I quit smoking TEN YEARS ago today! If you met me post April 1999 you wouldn’t have even guessed I smoked. I harp on my husband all of the time to quit too...all of the time. We almost got a divorce even though we just got married not even a month before. I took Wellbutrin (same as Xaiban – sp?) to quit. You are to take it for 3-6 months and THEN quit. I took it for a day and then didn’t want a cigarette. But I was CRAZY while I was on the Rx! I have only had a drag and unfortunately a lot of second hand since then. Yippee for me!

2004 – JP married the girl next door, or down the street rather. They grew up in the same neighborhood, which we moved into just a couple years ago. Stephani is a great daughter in law. In fact, all of our kids spouses are awesome. We are so fortunate that we actually like all of them and they are great for Joe’s kids!

(I know I missed writing Jamie and John’s anniversary 03/03/03 and Jen and Nate’s 02/04/06. I never said I had it together! Happy belated anniversary post to you also)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Last 2 Weekends Report

I can’t keep up. It isn’t that I am THAT busy but I have a lot on my mind and it is stopping me. Just me trying to figure out my life. I can’t keep up on my blog, FlickR or Facebook.
So here is a quick recap of the last couple weeks.
We went to St. George the last 2 weekends, I KNOW, SHOCKING! This last weekend was with JP and “our” dogs. I say “our” dogs since I am not sure if Benton remembers he has a dog. She is so cute and I love her, so if he forgets to come get her, I will be ok with her being my dog.
The weekend before JP, Steph, their doggies, and “our” dogs went. Both weekends the boys golfed. I shopped (Steph too) and I didn’t do much on both weekends but relax and enjoy. It is a fortunate life we have, I am grateful.
Last week we celebrated JP's 29th birthday on April Fool's Day (yes, his real birthdate). I got in trouble for not calling him to wish him happy birthday. Honestly, the reason I didn't and sometimes don't call the kids is because I am waiting for their Dad to call first. I guess I had better just call them!